01 会议背景 / Background 美国中部城市奥马哈,被无数金融领域精英誉为“投资者的圣地”。这里不仅是股神巴菲特的家乡,还是巴菲特掌管的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司总部所在地。 Omaha is located in the Midwestern United States and hailed as the Mecca for investors by elites in the financial sector. It is where Warren Buffet was born and the Berkshire Hathaway Inc. headed by him is headquartered.
2016年奥马哈价值投资教育与研究中心由伯克希尔董事会成员Walter Scott先生,中国科学院大数据挖掘与知识管理重点实验室主任石勇博士,IW风投合伙人李勇博士和Winni沈女士及大数据研究员邓伟博士联合发起。 The Omaha Value Investment Education and Research Center (OVIERC) was jointly established by Mr. Walter Scott, member of Berkshire Hathaway’s board of directors, Dr. Yong Shi, director of the Key Laboratory of Big Data Mining and Knowledge Management at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dr. Yong Li and Ms. Winni Shen, partners at IW Ventures in New York, and Dr. Wei Deng, a big data researcher. 奥马哈价值投资教育与研究中心旨在传承股神巴菲特为代表的价值投资理念,并与创业创新结合,为全世界投资者创造一个交流平台,并为扩展中美投资合作及学习交流做出不懈努力。 The OVIERC is dedicated to promoting value investing, one proponent of which is Warren Buffet, and incorporating it into entrepreneurship and innovation, while also attempts to build a platform for investors around the globe to communicate and make unremitting efforts to deepen Sino-American investment corporation and exchanges. 为此,奥马哈价值投资教育与研究中心每年举办两次国际会议:1)中美风险投资高峰论坛2)全球投资大会。在成功举办了2016第一届中美风险投资高峰论坛(美国奥马哈)、2017第二届中美风险投资高峰论坛(美国奥马哈),以及2016第一届全球投资大会(美国纽约)的基础上,决定于今年11月25日在北京举办2017第二届全球投资大会。 In this regard, the OVIERC hosts two international conferences annually, which are the Sino-American Venture Capital Summit (SAVCS) and the Global Investment Conference (GIC). The OVIERC hosted the SAVCS 2016 and 2017, both in Omaha, and the GIC 2016 in New York, and decided to host the GIC 2017 in Beijing on November 25, 2017. 02 会议目的 / Purpose 本届大会将以世界科技与中国经济为主题,突出以巴菲特先生发扬光大的价值投资理念对中国经济发展和金融行业的影响。 The GIC 2017 focuses on technologies in the world and China’s economic development, and highlights the influence of value investing on China’s economic development and the financial industry. 同时大会也作为一个学习平台,与参会朋友们共同探索价值投资在中国科技创新为核心的新环境下的发展方向,并与大会嘉宾分享实践经验。 This conference will also serve as a learning platform where attendees can explore where value investing is headed in China’s innovation-driven development and share their own experience. 希望参会朋友们与奥马哈价值投资教育与研究中心建立长期发展的合作伙伴关系,共同为参会合作伙伴们及社会创造更多的价值和财富! We at the OVIERC hope to build long-term partnerships with all the attendees and create more value and wealth for our partners and society. 03 嘉宾信息 / About Guests 01 Information 大会名称/Name 2017第二届全球投资大会 2017 Second Global Investment Conference 大会主题/Theme 世界科技与中国经济 Technologies in the World and China’s Economic Development 大会规模/Number of Attendees 1000+ 大会时间/Date 2017年11月24日-11月25日 November 24-25, 2017 大会地点/Location 北京市朝阳区来广营西路88号(北京会议中心) 88 West Laiguangying Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China(Beijing Conference Center) Organizers 02 主办单位/Hosted by 奥马哈价值投资教育与研究中心 Omaha Value Investment Education and Research Center 中国科学院虚拟经济与数据科学研究中心 Research Center on Fictitious Economy and Data Science , Chinese Academy of Sciences 联合主办/Co-hosted by 全经联(北京)产业孵化器有限公司 Quanjinglian (Beijing) Business Incubator Co., Ltd. 北京中兴通投资集团有限公司 Beijing Zhongxingtong Investment Co., Ltd. 北京真如投资管理有限公司 Beijing Zhenru Investment Management Co., Ltd. 北京理享家商务信息咨询有限公司 Beijing Asset Pro Business Information Consulting Co., Ltd. 晨辉资本管理(北京)有限公司 Morning Bright Capital Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 深圳钛铂新媒体营销股份有限公司 Shenzhen iTable New Media Marketing Co., Ltd. 丝绸之路博物馆 Silk Road Museum 深圳市聚能联合创新投资有限公司 Shenzhen Jvneng Innovation Investment Co., Ltd. 深圳奥马哈投资发展有限公司 Shenzhen Omaha Investment Co., Ltd. 北京恒牛创业投资管理有限公司 Beijing Hengniu Ventures Co., Ltd. 东方文化旅游发展有限公司 Eastern Cultures and Tourism Development Co., Ltd. 承办单位/Organized by 一起上(深圳)传媒科技有限公司 17shang (Shenzhen) Media Technology Co., Ltd. 05 大会流程 / Conference Schedule (以承办方发布最终内容为准) 06 大会票务资讯 / Ticket-booking System 独家报名通道 Official ticker-booking service provider 长按二维码扫描进入购票页面 Scan the QR code to book the ticket 票务信息更新: 1.全部票种都是免费,但是数量有限需审核 2.大会门票优先安排参与联合主办单位、分论坛承办方以及联合赞助的机构 3.参会人员有三种核心群体以及就坐区域:合作伙伴嘉宾、合作伙伴亲友团、青年学生 Updated ticket information: 1. All tickets are subject to availability and given to qualified attendees for free. 2. Tickets will be first given to hosts, organizers and sponsors of the GIC. 3. Attendees are mainly partners, partners’ friends and relatives, and students who will sit in corresponding areas. 07 平行分论坛资讯 / Panel Sessions 1.一带一路、大湾区、丝绸之路 承办单位:丝绸之路博物馆、深圳市聚能联合创新投资有限公司 2.价值投资研讨、文化教育 承办单位:奥马哈价值投资教育与研究中心 3.人工智能、大数据、物联网 承办单位:中国科学院虚拟经济与数据科学研究中心 4.饮食文化、特色小镇 承办单位:全经联(北京)产业孵化器有限公司 5.科技创新、轨道交通、新材料、新能源 承办单位:北京中兴通投资集团有限公司 6.创新创业 承办单位:一起上(深圳)传媒科技有限公司 7.跨境电商、中美贸易 承办单位:晨辉资本管理(北京)有限公司 8.医疗健康、生命科学 承办单位:深圳奥马哈投资发展有限公司、NHT紫金长安俱乐部 9.科技金融、智能投顾、量化交易 承办单位:北京真如投资管理有限公司 (Eng. ver) 1.The Belt and Road Initiative, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, and the Silk Road Organized by: Silk Road Museum; Shenzhen Jvneng Innovation Investment Co., Ltd. 2.Value Investing and Cultural Education Organized by: Omaha Value Investment Education and Research Center 3.Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Internet of Things Organized by: Research Center on Fictitious Economy and Data Science , Chinese Academy of Sciences 4.Distinctive Small Towns Organized by: Quanjinglian (Beijing) Business Incubator Co., Ltd. 5.Technological Innovation, Rail Transit, New Material, New Energy Organized by: Beijing Zhongxingtong Investment Co., Ltd. 6.Innovation and Entrepreneurship Organized by: 17shang (Shenzhen) Media Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Hengniu Ventures Co., Ltd. 7.Cross-border Electronic Commerce and Sino-US Trade Organized by: Morning Bright Capital Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 8.Health Care and Life Sciences Organized by: Shenzhen Omaha Investment Co., Ltd. NHT Zijin Chang'an Club 9.FinTech, Robo-advisor and Quant-trading Organized by: Beijing Zhenru Investment Management Co., Ltd. 西安分会场主题 (Parallel session in Xi’an ) “新时代 新价值 新投资” “New Age, New Value, New Investment” 承办单位/Organizer 西安江岳基金管理有限公司 Jiangyue Treasure Fund Management LLC 联系人/Contact 姓名/Name:朱丹 (Monica) 手机/Mobile:18789476957 微信/Wechat:18789476957 邮箱/E-mail:2905335745@qq.com |